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Clensbrim, the snowy highland plateau surrounding Loch Clensbrim north of the Averae's Bounty cascades, houses the majority of Avemroth's Svaald population (all but the clanless).


Given the Svaald clans' control of the district, Clensbrim represents the most class-balanced district of Avemroth. While the district is cold and snow-covered year-round, the conditions lack the sheer hostility of Trevas's Northern Wastes. Humans, high elves, and even wood elves seeking work in the mines or training as adepts frequently make their way to Clensbrim. Those who survive often find themselves adopted into Svaald clans. Owing to this mixed nature, the clans of Clensbrim are the most mixed clans on Lorithandar, with the highest concentration of Half Svaald anywhere.

Places of Interest

Temple of Isinar (Avemroth)

Blaodun Fields

Mine Street