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Required Dreams Domain 2
Range 10 yards x Rank
Area 1 Target
Duration 2 rounds x Rank
Casting Verbal
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 1 Mana
Effect On a successful opposed roll vs. Magic Resist, the caster conjures a monstrous creature from their target’s deepest fears. The spectre has statistics equal to a Demon of Rank equal to the spell. This spectre immediately attacks the target. Only the caster and target can see or interact with this spectre. If the spectre is reduced to 0 HP it is destroyed and the target is immune to the spell for 24 hours. If the target flees, the spectre may pursue to the limits of the spells range at which point the spell ends immediately. Only one Spectre may be active at a time. A Spectre does not take damage from sources other than the target.