Seed: Energy

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This Seed allows sorcerers to reach into their chosen plane and draw elemental energy through a portal to be released in a semi-controllable blast. Sorcerers with at least 1 rank in this Seed may draw flickering energy of their chosen type into an open hand producing light equivalent to a torch. This is most often done to intimidate or warn targets of their impending doom.

When gaining this Seed, the caster must pick an energy type. All spells in this Seed will use that type of energy. Once made, this choice may not be changed.

  • Fire - Applies Burning to targets.
  • Frost - Applies Frost to targets.
  • Lightning - Applies Shock to targets.

Favored Seed: Sorcerers with a Chosen Plane of Pandemonium gain +1d10 on all spells from this Seed.

Rank Name Description
1 Energy Nova The caster sends planar energies outwards in a circular nova.
2 Energy Blast The caster opens a small portal, releasing a short-ranged blast of planar energy.
3 Energy Wave The caster sends a wave of planar energy rushing forward.
4 Energy Beam The caster focuses, maintaining a beam of planar energy as long as they concentrate.
5 Energy Storm The caster forms a devastating storm of planar energy.

Fusion Spells: These spells are available with the required Ranks from both listed Seeds.

Required Ranks Name Description
Conjure 3, Energy 2 Energy Constructs Force planar energy into basic shapes creating barriers, or attacks.
Energy 3, Transform 2 Elemental Body Caster gains resistance, reactive damage, and an aura of the chosen energy type.