Wind Force

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Required Air Shaman 4
Range Self
Area Self
Duration 1 Hour
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Action 1 Minute Ritual
Cost 3 Mana
Effect By completing a short ritual which imbues her hands with magic, the shaman empowers a physical attack with a blast of wind. On a successful hit, regardless of whether damage is absorbed by an effect such as Ward, the target must roll its Magical Resistance against the attack roll. If the target fails, the blast of wind is unleashed and the target is knocked away from the incoming attack. If the successful casting roll consists of 5+ successes, the target is both knocked back and falls prone.

The distance that a target is knocked back is determined by its size, gaining +1 yard at Rank 3, which increases to +2 yards at Rank 5.

Target Size Distance
Small 3 yard
Medium 2 yards
Large 1 yards
Huge 0 yards