Temporal Anomaly

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Required Time Domain: Watcher of Time 5
Range Self
Area Special
Duration 24 Hours
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action 1 Hour Ritual
Mana Cost 1 Story Point
Effect The caster performs a 1 hour ritual allowing up to Rank friendly targets to enter a portal into time allowing the caster and companions to experience an alternative version of the next 24 hours. The spell ends when either the 24 hours expire, or the travelers return to the origin point of the anomaly. Actions taken in this alternate timeline have no effect on the original timeline, however injury or death sustained in the alternate timeline carries over upon return. Each timeline differs somewhat from the original, so the Storyteller may determine which elements remain the same, and which are modified. The spell is intentionally open-ended, and allows the caster to explore areas and make choices without long term consequences. This spell is used by Kronomancers to catalog fixed points in time, which do not alter regardless of how many alternative timelines are explored.