Nogg, Grand

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The giant creature positively dwarfs the rest of its kind. A lone sentinel standing over its herd, the Grand Nogg has surpassed several decades in age, despite the difficulty of surviving in the Divided Lands, and the color of its amazingly tough hide has faded to white with age and exposure to the elements. Its enormous facial horn, chipped and broken multiple times. It now resembles a jagged spike rather than the bifurcated scoop of its younger kin.
Image Stats Special Qualities
Health: 11
Vigor: 8
Physical Defense: 5 (5 Natural Armor); 2 DR
Magical Defense: 3
Magic Resistance: 10
Attack: 16d10, +2 AP
Initiative: +2
Speed: 17
  • Giant Size, +3 Reach
  • Grand Nogghide*
  • Sharp Horn**
  • Bulldoze***
  • Momentum****
  • Clean Sweep*****

*Once per round Ignore 1 nonlethal Damage

**Sharp Horn provides 2 Armor Piercing

***While making a charge, the Nogg swings its head from side to side and knocks over targets within Reach. Targets within Reach -1 (2 yards) of the path of this creature’s Charge attack(s) must succeed on an Acrobatics check vs. 10d10 or be knocked prone. If a prone target fails the skill check, they suffer nonlethal damage equal to the difference in successes.

****Once each round for 4 rounds, gain 9-again on a single dice roll during a Charge. This may be applied to Attacks OR Bulldoze.

*****The Grand Nogg can rear back and lunge forward one space, use its facial horn to strike up to 4 enemies within Reach in a single attack as a Full Round Action. Each attack after the first gains a stacking -1 penalty. If there is no space to lunge, it cannot execute this maneuver.