Fighting Style: Two-Handed Slashing Weapons

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  • Strength 3, Melee (Slashing) 3
  • Rank 1-5, 1 CC point per Rank or 3 GXP x Rank


Rank 1 Reach Attacks with two-handed weapons extend melee range by 1 yard.
Rank 2 Cleave If a basic melee attack incapacitates or kills the target, you may make an immediate attack on an adjacent target in melee range with full dice. This attack may not be combined with other Maneuvers.
Rank 3 Sweeping Strike Take a wide swing hitting Rank targets in melee range. All attack rolls suffer a -4 penalty.
Rank 4 Mighty Cleave Basic melee attacks with a Two-Handed Weapon gain 9-again. The bonus attack granted by Cleave also gains 9-again.
Rank 5 Whirlwind Your character may move in a straight line up to a maximum of 10 yards or base movement (whichever is lower) while striking Rank -1 targets in melee range along their path. All attack rolls suffer a -4 penalty.