Seed: Conjure

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All materials and objects conjured from this seed radiate as faint Sorcery for magical detection or sight spells. This may be concealed through applicable spells, seeds, or abilities from other sources.

Rank 1 - Basic Conjuration

Duration: 1 Day

Conjures Rank basic items or raw materials (100 lbs x Rank).

Conjurations will resemble their originating plane. E.g. Stygian equipment will resemble dark pitted iron or pale bones with glowing blue runes, while Aaru conjurations will resemble glimmering lights and glass.

Materials such as stone, metal, glass, wood, or bone may be conjured with Storyteller approval.

Items such as a simple weapon, light source (equivalent to a torch or lantern), rope, blanket, a simple tool, or small bag may be conjured with Storyteller approval. Conjured items are typically conjured into the hand of the caster.

Push: +1 Duration, +Potency (bonus weight)

Rank 2 - Magical Conjuration

Range: 1 Item
Duration: 1 Day
Casting: Verbal, Somatic
Effect: Conjures a magical weapon, shield, armor, or clothing from the caster’s chosen plane with a +Rank Enhancement bonus.
  • Conjured weapons retain the attributes of the basic version of the weapon, including damage, required strength, hands, armor piercing, etc... and gains +Rank Enhancement
  • Conjured shields retain the attributes of the basic version of the shield, including defense, required strength, etc.. and gains +Rank Enhancement
  • Armors: Conjured armors retain the attributes of the basic version of the armor, including armor value, required strength, movement penalties, and damage reduction, and gains +Rank Enhancement.
  • Clothing: Conjured clothing gains Immunity to Mundane Armor Piercing and gains +Rank Enhancement

Only one such item may be conjured at a time. Like Basic Conjuration, the item resembles its plane of origin. While the duration is active the caster can dismiss the item into the Barrier as a Free Action, and recall it for free as a Standard Action.

When a magical item is conjured the caster gains Rank charges which may be spent as a Fast Action for the following effects:

  • Inimical Power - Gains +2 lethal damage or defense against Outsiders from another plane for 1 round.
  • Planar Energy - Grants the magical equipment a chosen Planar Energy descriptor appropriate for the plane for 1 round.
  • Rapid Conjuration - Can retrieve magical conjuration from the Barrier.
Push: +Duration, +Potency (Bonus weight), +1 Charge

Rank 3 - Empowered Conjuration

Effect: Empowered Basic Conjuration: More complex non-magical items may be conjured including items with numerous parts such as martial weapons, armor, chains, or ladders. The weight must remain within the weight limits of Basic Conjuration, but otherwise the Storyteller is encouraged to allow creative objects to be summoned.

Empowered Magical Conjuration: When a magical item is conjured with Empowered Conjuration the caster gains Rank charges which may be spent for the following effects:

  • Inimical Power - Gains +2 lethal damage or defense against Outsiders from another plane for 1 Hour.
  • Planar Energy - Grants the magical equipment a chosen Planar Energy descriptor appropriate for the plane for 1 Hour.
  • Rapid Conjuration - Can retrieve magical conjuration from the Barrier as a Fast Action for 1 Hour.
Push: +Duration, +Potency (Bonus weight), +1 Charge

Rank 4 - Mass Conjuration

Effect: As Magical Conjuration, except two magical items may be summoned at a time. Additionally the weight limits for Basic Conjuration are doubled when casting Mass Conjuration.
Push: +Duration, +Potency (Bonus weight), +1 Charge

Rank 5 - Master Conjuration

Effect: All conjured items or material may be created from special materials appropriate to your plane. E.g. Adamantine, quicksilver, or ironwood. Magical Conjurations may be retrieved from the Barrier as a Fast Action.

When a magical item is conjured with Master Conjuration the caster may choose one of the following effects:

  • Inimical Power - Gains +2 lethal damage or defense against Outsiders from another plane.
  • Planar Energy - Grants the magical equipment a chosen Planar Energy descriptor appropriate for the plane.
Push: +Duration, +Potency (Bonus weight)