Sense Minds

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Required Spheres Mind Sphere 2
Range Centered on caster
Area 100 yard radius
Duration Concentration / 1 Hour
Casting Mental
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 1 Mana
Effect When cast, the caster can sense the relative direction, distance, and intelligence of any active mind within the area. A mind must be active (awake), and be capable of verbal or mental communication. Animal level intelligence is not detected. Targets which are concealed through magical means may get an opposed roll to evade this detection. While the caster cannot identify specific targets by name, they can recognize familiar minds, and when the spell is active and the targets are visible associate those minds with the target. This allows casters to identify specific minds in the future even when they are not visible.

While Sense Minds is active, the caster may also choose to link to a specific target's mind for 1 Hour or until released. Doing so against the target's will requires a cast roll vs. the target's Magic Resistance. If successful, mental spells which normally require sight (e.g. Suggestion, Telepathy, Mind Flay) may be cast through this mental link. These spells otherwise function normally such as requiring resistance rolls. Creating this link disrupts the concentration required for the Sense Minds spell, however the linked target's mind is still felt (direction/distance). At Rank 4 the caster may link to two minds simultaneously. This improves to a maximum of three linked minds at Rank 5.