Storms Domain

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Domain Power: Control Weather

Complete a ritual to initiate changes in the atmosphere, altering existing weather in the geographic region. See the spell page for further details.

Power of the Storm

Rank Power Description
1 Stormforce Imbue a weapon or unarmed strike with an elemental effect determined by the weather.
2 Stormblast Empower any physical attack with a blast of wind that has a chance to knock enemies backward.
3 Stormsurge Pull power directly from an overhead storm, increasing speed and initiative for a time.
4 Stormcharge Call down a lightning bolt, dealing damage to nearby enemies and empowering the caster.
5 Stormbolt Caster is surrounded by a swirling wave of precipitation and lightning, enabling Flight and dealing damage to targets within reach.


Rank Power Description
1 Stormwatch Predict nearby weather patterns, recognize magical interference, and enable targets to ignore sight penalties from weather effects.
2 Eye of the Storm Create a safe space within conjured weather effects, protecting those within the Eye from the raging storm.
3 Rapid Storm Gain greater control over the weather.
4 Tempest Cause a surge in an existing storm, calling down blinding rain and applies additional effects depending on weather temperature.
5 Maelstrom Weave magic into air or water, creating a vortex that draws nearby targets into its center and crushing them.

Storm Lord

Rank Power Description
1 Inner Storm Draw strength from existing weather conditions, gaining bonuses to elemental resistance and skill checks.
2 Thunder Burst Deal nonlethal damage to a chosen target.
3 Invoke the Storm Concentrate, calling down deadly lightning or hail each round to damage targets at the point of impact.
4 Mirror Sky When in an enclosed space, create a magical reflection of regional weather outside which may be easily manipulated.
5 Gods' Breath Inhale and then exhale a magical blast of wind that clears the skies and unleashes the elements on targets in its path.