
From Brilliance and Shadow Wiki
Revision as of 18:39, 5 May 2018 by Wortiz (talk | contribs) (Revised the description of the city to better match the map.)
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The Green City of Kertos sits in the center of Vicisi, bounded by the Camie'el River to the north and the Nessie'el River to the south. The two rivers run into the Fasalshudon River in The Kevlorn, the largest forest in the Free Cities, which encloses this remotest city against the central mountain range. The lightly populated city—more populous only than Isinroth—sprawls within its valley, with twin large outposts half a days ride to the north and south along the river. A large, well traveled highway leads through the Kevlorn to Tyrose, while docks along the rivers facilitate trade with Syr. The temple of Kevalth sits at the center of the city, magically fashioned out of huge trees grown together.





Important Places

Noteworthy NPCs