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The poorest and most disease-ridden slum in Avemroth, Fenn City’s terrain is mostly swampy—warehouses taking up most of the decent land—and access to sanitation and clean drinking water is scarce. The undesirable living conditions made it a pirate haven in the early years, until the Septimites subdued it. Fenn City remains the most heavily-policed district of the city, and almost half the population of Fenn City can expect to spend time in The Hollows at some point in their lives, often for crimes that would be considered legal in other districts or for other classes.


Disease, poor sanitation, and incarceration/execution rates are such a problem that more than 40 percent of the population are under the age of 18. In addition to the Septimites, charitable endeavors from the churches of Alkaizer, Khitar, and Nimway have significant presences here, although their effect is often to work within the system rather than to attempt to change the system. As a reaction against the Septimites and the indifference of the other temples, the cult of Kao has gained popularity among the young of the district.

Places of Interest

Fields of Valor

Temple of Kao

The Hollows

The Clarion

Named after Danica Clarion, the infamous pirate queen of Fenn City's early days, the central structure of the Clarion is the oldest structure in Fenn City. Of elven make, the Clarion has withstood the test of time. Although it fell into disuse after the Septimite subjugation, an investor eventually reopened it.

The Prayer Place