Equipment: Difference between revisions

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Line 232: Line 232:
||+2 Armor Piercing, Ranged
||+2 Armor Piercing, Range increments are 20/40/60.
||3 Strength
||3 Strength
Line 256: Line 256:
||+1 Armor Piercing, May be thrown, Thrown range increments: 5/10/15
||+1 Armor Piercing. May be thrown, Range increments are 10/15/20.
||2 Strength
||2 Strength
||Strength or Dexterity
||Strength or Dexterity
Line 264: Line 264:
||Ignores Dodge, 2 charges, Full Round Action to reload charges at the cost of 1 Mana per charge, Range increments: 15/35/55
||Ignores Dodge, 2 charges, Full Round Action to reload charges at the cost of 1 Mana per charge, Range increments are 15/35/55.
||1 Strength
||1 Strength
Line 272: Line 272:
||Ignores Dodge, 1 charge, Full Round Action to reload charges at the cost of 1 Mana per charge, Range increments: 20/40/60
||Ignores Dodge, 1 charge, Full Round Action to reload charges at the cost of 1 Mana per charge, Range increments are 20/40/60.
||2 Strength
||2 Strength

Revision as of 16:52, 24 May 2020


Starting Equipment

Characters begin play only with basic equipment:

  • 1 Martial Weapon
  • Light or Medium Armor
  • Travel Pack (5 days of food, bedroll)
  • Change of clothes (Common Quality)
  • 10 Gold

Additional equipment, including heavy armor, improved materials (quicksilver, adamantine, ironwood), substantial supplies, mounts, etc may be obtained using the Improved Background Benefit.

Armor & Shields

Armor Value

All armor has an armor value which is added to your available dodge bonus for a combined Physical Defense. This value is removed from the dice pools of incoming attacks. Unlike dodge, armor is not reduced after each incoming attack during the round. However, armor may be partially or completely bypassed by weapons or skills with the “Armor Piercing” ability.


Magical enhancement bonuses on armor do not stack with enhancement bonuses on a shield. Whichever defensive bonus is higher (armor enhancement OR shield enhancement) is added to the character's defense.

Damage Reduction

Medium and Heavy forms of armor provide Damage Reduction, which reduces incoming lethal damage to non-lethal damage. Each point of Damage Reduction reduces a single point of Lethal damage per attack. Certain powers provide Damage Reduction which in some cases may stack with the benefit provided by armor. If a power indicates that it adds "+x Physical Damage Reduction" it stacks with the benefit from armor, while powers that say "x Physical Damage Reduction" do not stack, and the highest value is applied. Damage Reduction may be bypassed by weapons or skills with the "Armor Piercing" ability.

Max Dodge

All armor has a maximum dodge value it allows wearers to apply towards their defense. Some special materials or spells can improve this limit. A player’s dodge is equal to the average of their Dexterity and Intelligence rounded down.

Armor Check Penalty

Medium and Heavy armor is more difficult to move in than light or no armor reducing the wearer's Speed, as well as their Acrobatics, Climb, Stealth, and Swim skills. The Heavy Armor Training Benefit can reduce the Speed penalty, but not the skill penalty.

Shield Bonuses

Shields provide a Shield bonus to defense, and act to counter the Armor Piercing attribute. Both the defensive bonus, and the Armor Piercing Reduction may only be applied when the shield user is not flat-footed.


Armor Type Examples Armor Value Damage Reduction Max Dodge Armor Check Penalty Required Strength
Light Studded Leather, Chain Shirt 1 - 5 - 1
Medium Chainmail, Scale Mail 2 1 3 1 2
Heavy Full Plate 3 2 1 2 3


Shield Type Examples Armor Value Armor Piercing Reduction Armor Check Penalty Required Strength
Light Buckler, Hoplon 1 1 - 2
Heavy Heater Shield, Kite Shield 2 1 1 3


Armor Piercing

Weapons with this attribute ignore a number of points of their target’s armor equal to their Armor Piercing value. If a weapons Armor Piercing value equals or exceed the Base Armor Rating AND the Enhancement values of the weapon equal or exceed the Enhancement values of the target's armor then any Damage Reduction is also ignored.

Example 1: Mar is wearing a chainmail shirt (2 Armor, 1 DR) and a guard fires a Medium Crossbow (2 damage, +2 AP) at him. Neither have Enhancement bonuses. The guard's crossbow reduces Mar's Armor to 0, which causes his attack to ignore the chainmail Damage Reduction.

Example 2: Captain Myana is wearing a chainmail shirt which contains an Imbued Shaman Spirit offering a +1 Enhancement Bonus. The same guard firing a Medium Crossbow at her would reduce the Armor by 2 (+2 AP), but because he does not have an equal or higher Enhancement Bonus on his weapon, would not ignore her Damage Reduction.

Ignore Dodge

Weapons with this attribute ignore a number of points of their target’s dodge equal to their Ignore Dodge value. This does not apply to other attackers, or count towards making the target Flatfooted.


Weapon Type Examples Hands Damage Special Attributes Required Strength Uses Stat
Tiny Knife 1 1 May be thrown, Range increments of 5/10/15 1 Strength Strength or Dexterity
Small Dagger, Poniard 1 1 +1 Armor Piercing, May be thrown, Range increments of 5/10/15 1 Strength Strength or Dexterity
Medium Shortsword, Rapier, Spear, Javelin 1 2 +1 Armor Piercing. Javelins may be thrown, Range increments of 10/15/20. 2 Strength Strength or Dexterity
Large Longsword, Flail, Warhammer, Mace, Axe 1 3 - 2 Strength Strength
Two Handed Slashing Greataxe, Greatsword, Polearm 2 5 - 3 Strength Strength
Two Handed Piercing Long Spear, Lance 2 4 +1 Armor Piercing, May be wielded 1H while mounted 2 Strength Strength or Dexterity
Staves Staff 2 2 Non-Lethal Damage 2 Strength Strength or Dexterity
Tiny Ranged Hand Crossbow 1 1 Fast action to reload, Range increments: 15/25/35 1 Strength Dexterity
Small Ranged Short Bow, Light Crossbow 2 1 +1 Armor Piercing, Move action to reload, Range increments: 15/25/35. 1 Strength Dexterity
Large Ranged Longbow, Medium Crossbow 2 2 +2 Armor Piercing, Move action to reload, Range increments: 20/40/60. 2 Strength Dexterity
Heavy Ranged Heavy Crossbow 2 3 +3 Armor Piercing, Full round action to reload, Range increments: 20/40/60. 1 Strength (winch) Dexterity

Exotic Weapons

Exotic Weapons are uncommon and require substantial training to use without penalty. Wielders of exotic weapons must have a minimum of Rank 4 in the required Weaponry skill or suffer a -2 penalty.

Weapon Name Hands Damage Special Attributes Required Strength Uses Stat Description
Ice Axe 1 2 +1 Armor Piercing, +1 Climb 1 Strength Strength or Dexterity A combination weapon/tool, the traditional Svaald Ice Axe has a long spike or hook on the rear of the weapon used to drive into ice to aid in climbing. The front edge is wedgelike and can shear through ice as well as flesh.
Ultra-Greatsword 2 6 -1 Dodge 4 Strength Strength An extremely rare weapon, the Ultra-Greatsword is large and heavy, requiring extreme strength to wield effectively. Even when the wielder is strong enough to swing the weapon, it drags their body reducing their ability to defend themselves. The choice for attackers willing to give up defenses for the maximum in offense.
Alloy Bow 2 3 +2 Armor Piercing, Range increments are 20/40/60. 3 Strength Dexterity The extreme cold of the Northern Wastes, and the lack of wood, made traditional bows impossible to construct; however, the Svaald's skill in metalworking crafted an alloy flexible enough to be used for a bow, and fine quicksilver wires for string. The resulting bows are difficult to draw, but pack a substantial punch.
Elven Thinblade 1 2 +1 Armor Piercing 1 Strength Strength or Dexterity This one-handed weapon of elvish design mixes the longsword and the rapier into a narrow edged blade with a piercing point. The weapon may be used to make Piercing or Slashing attacks with equal benefit.
Quicksilver Elven Longblade 2 5 +1 Ignore Dodge (Quicksilver) 2 Strength Strength or Dexterity This gently curved two-handed weapon of elvish design uses the light weight of quicksilver to make an extremely agile two-handed sword which can be wielded with Dexterity or Strength.
Chakram 1 2 +1 Armor Piercing. May be thrown, Range increments are 10/15/20. 2 Strength Strength or Dexterity This exotic throwing weapon is most commonly used by Wild Elves and Feran in their native jungles and forests. It can be used as both a melee weapon and a thrown weapon.
Magitech Pistol 1 2 Ignores Dodge, 2 charges, Full Round Action to reload charges at the cost of 1 Mana per charge, Range increments are 15/35/55. 1 Strength Dexterity This expensive weapon is found only in specific regions in the world (e.g. Devin). It uses a magical core to fire deadly bolts, but must be recharged with the wielder's own energy.
Magitech Rifle 2 4 Ignores Dodge, 1 charge, Full Round Action to reload charges at the cost of 1 Mana per charge, Range increments are 20/40/60. 2 Strength Dexterity This expensive weapon is found only in specific regions in the world (e.g. Devin). It uses a magical core to fire deadly bolts, but must be recharged with the wielder's own energy.

Special Materials

Weapon Special Materials

Weapon Material Weapon Size Equipment Bonus
Quicksilver All Melee -1 Strength requirement +1 Ignore Dodge
Adamantine Small, Medium, Large +1 Strength requirement +1 Armor Piercing
Adamantine Two-Handed +1 Strength requirement +1 Armor Piercing
Glass-Steel All Melee -1 Strength requirement -1 Stealth
Ironwood All Ranged +1 Strength requirement +1 Damage, +1 Armor Piercing

Armor Special Materials

Armor Material Armor Size Equipment Bonus
Quicksilver Light, Medium, Heavy -1 Strength requirement +2 Maximum Dodge -1 Armor Penalty
Adamantine Medium +1 Strength requirement +1 Armor Piercing Reduction +1 Damage Reduction -1 Speed
Adamantine Heavy +1 Strength requirement +1 Armor Piercing Reduction +1 Damage Reduction -1 Speed
Ironwood Heavy -
Drakescale Medium, Heavy +2 Magic Defense
Dragonscale Medium, Heavy +3 Magic Defense


Name Potency Cost
Herbal Healing Potion 1 lethal healing; character may only gain healing from these potions once each day 50g
Magical Healing Potion 10d10 80g


Injury Poisons

Rank Name Potency Damage / Effect Duration Interval Cost
1 Adder Venom 8d10 1 Lethal 2 rounds 1 round 10g
1 Centipede Poison 8d10 -2 Speed, -2 Perception 1 Hour - 10g
2 Giant Wasp Poison 9d10 1 Lethal 4 rounds 1 round 30g
2 Bloodroot Seeds 9d10 -2 Skills 1 Hour - 30g
3 Viper Venom 10d10 1 Lethal 6 rounds 1 round 75g
3 Arrow Frog 10d10 Target only succeeds on rolls of 9 or 10 for the duration of the effect. 1 Hour - 75g
4 Bebelith Venom 11d10 1 Lethal 8 rounds 1 round 100g
4 Shadow Essence 11d10 Unconsciousness 1 Hour - 100g
5 Lotus Venom 12d10 1 Lethal, -2 Skills 10 rounds 1 round 500g
5 Mysterious Powder 14d10 Target may not use any spells, or abilities that require mana. 10 rounds - 10,000g

Ingested Poisons

Rank Name Potency Damage / Effect Duration Interval Cost
1 Toadstool 8d10 x x x 5g
1 Id Moss 8d10 x x x 5g
2 Belladonna 9d10 x x x 15g
2 Taggit Oil 9d10 x x x 15g
3 Hemlock 10d10 x x x 45g
3 Arsenic 10d10 x x x 45g
4 King’s Sleep 11d10 x x x 50g
4 Grave Dust 11d10 x x x 50g
5 Tears of Death 12d10 x x x 200g


Various creatures throughout Lorithandar have been domesticated for use as transportation. The most commonplace mounts are horses, which are purchaseable, however some other animals able to be trained as mounts may be encountered through gameplay.

Purchasable Mounts
Mount Description Cost
Work Horse As horses go, this one is suitable for pulling carts and doing light work in the fields. g
Standard Horse A sturdy creature, this horse is frequently used for travel and pleasure riding. g
Light Horse Light horses are on the smaller side, granting them more speed than other horses. g
Heavy Horse Heavy horses are accustomed to hard work, and are more hale and hearty than most. g
Destrier These horses are born and bred for combat. g

Mount Training

Those who wish to pursue Mounted Combat will find that they are most effective with a Trained Mount. Mounts can be bought with coin or occasionally acquired through gameplay. In order to properly control a trained mount, the character's Ride Skill must be at a rank equal to or greater than that of their mount's Training. Otherwise, all Ride and Handle Animal checks involving the mount take a -2 penalty.

Skill Rank Training Description Cost
1 Trained Mount This creature has been properly trained to be ridden, and its rider gains a +1 bonus to Ride checks at rank 1. At Rank 3, this increases to +2. At rank 5, this increases to +3. g
2 Stalwart Mount Loud noises, the smell of blood, or even injury will not cause the mount to rear or flee. The caster no longer needs to make additional ride checks when the mount is injured. The mount is well-trained enough to respond only to its assigned rider. If another creature attempts to mount it, the mount may attempt to throw them and make an opposed roll of the mount’s Attack + Rank vs Str or Dex + Ride. g
3 Spirited Mount Once per round, when an enemy enters the mount’s threatened space, the enemy must make an Acrobatics save to avoid being attacked by the mount as a Reactive action. If they fail the save, they either take Lethal (mount with Natural Weapons), or take Non-Lethal damage and are knocked Prone (other mounts). g
4 Superior Mount g
5 Exceptional Mount g