Death Domain

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Revision as of 16:51, 17 February 2015 by Mmciver (talk | contribs)
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Edits / overhaul currently in progress by Mike.

Dev Thoughts:

  • All powers on this page are spitballed at the moment, attempting to convey a thematic. They are all in need of balancing, and/or conversion to something else along these thematic lines.
  • The domain power thematic intent is that the player will choose whether to displace a part of themselves into the Spirit Realm or not, depending on the circumstance, since there is an advantage and a disadvantage on each side. Functions as a full round action to prevent 'hot swapping' mid-turn.
  • Touch of Death line is intended to have the thematic of the life draining reaper, an offensive line of walking through the realm delivering death at will
  • Voice of Death line is intended to have the thematic of vocal control over and interaction with spirits of the dead, both spirits and spirits inhabiting revenants
  • Visage of Death line is intended to have the thematic of observing death and becoming the visage of it.
  • some of these abilities are probably in the wrong rank, open to changes across the board, but i like the thematic enough to want to play it :)

Domain Power: Spirit Walker - Partially displace yourself into the Spirit Realm, gaining a +1/+2/+3 Physical and Magic Damage Reduction, at the cost of a +1/+2/+3 penalty to physical attack rolls. This effect may be canceled or resumed as a full round action. Additionally, gain +1/+2/+3 to Diplomacy rolls vs Spirits.

Touch of Death
Rank Power Description
2 Wraith Blade Enchant weapon to deal Mortal damage to Spirits and Undead.
3 Claim Soul As Slay Living from Seed: Slay's Rank 3. The spirits of targets slain in this manner are momentarily bound by the caster and are sent directly to the Spirit Realm. Any other claim on them from other patrons must be fought for there.
4 Death Stride The caster gains an aura of deathly chill, slowing and dealing non-lethal Ice damage to all targets within 4 yards. Plant life and small creatures in the area of effect are killed instantly.
5 Devour the Living Drain Rank x2 Mana deal Rank non-lethal. Opposed with target's Magic Resistance. Rank x 10 yards.
Voice of Death
Rank Power Description
1 Speak with Dead Communicate with deceased spirit.
2 Quicken Corpse Animate a single mortal corpse with a spirit returned from Su-Lan. Functions as Seed: Animate Dead without the optional choice of raising many lesser revenants. A maximum of Rank revenants may be under the caster's control at one time.
3 Rebuke the Dead Rebuke up to Rank number of Revenant Undead or manifested Spirits within Rank x 10 yards. On a failed Magic Resistance roll, the targets are rebuked for Rank rounds, and suffer 1 non-lethal damage for each yard that they advancing toward you (starting X distance out?). The Storyteller determines if this will deter the targets from approaching.
4 Call of the Grave Vocal magical fear against all hostile targets within 8 yards. Undead Revenants and Spirits suffer a -2 penalty to their Magic Resistance roll to oppose.
5 Summon the Dead Manifest a Rank Ghost Spirit in the material plane under the caster’s control
Visage of Death
Rank Power Description
1 Sense Soul Sense living and mortal souls nearby. Does not work on outsiders, undead, immortals, or non-sentient life.
2 Feign Death Magically conceal all evidence that you are alive. You radiate no heat, you have no apparent pulse, you do not visibly breathe, you do not blink, your skin drains of color and becomes ambient temperature to the touch. If desired, you emit a slight odor of decay. If you do not move you appear to be lifeless to normal eyes. You are also concealed from magical sense spells that would detect something about you linked to being alive (Sense Life, Infravision, Sense Soul, etc...). Concealment may be pierced with normal magical perception rules.
3 Soul Departure Passive: Death of mortals with souls that occurs near to you invigorates you, granting you a charge that persists for one hour. You may store 1/2/3 charges at a time.
Active: Spend up to 3 charges to add an equal number of dice to an action roll. 1 Mana. May not be used reactively.
5 Manifest Detatch your spirit from your body as a manifested Ghost Spirit. Your base health, resistance, and speed are replaced with the base health, resistance, and speed of a Ghost Spirit. Attributes and benefits are added to that value normally. Other Ghost Spirit special qualities are gained. You retain all abilities, however may not carry any substantially heavy physical objects with you. A few light objects are permitted, which will also become ghost-like, your Storyteller will determine what is allowed and exactly what this effect has on unique equipment. While you are manifested your body is paralyzed and can not move and you have no awareness of what is around your body. Damage dealt to your body is still dealt to you. Any damage taken when manifested that is not healed is applied as non-lethal when you return to your body, with excess beyond available Vigor spilling over as lethal normally. Death while manifested is still death.