Freeze Liquid

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Revision as of 16:11, 5 August 2019 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Required Spheres Water Sphere 1
Range Touch
Area See below
Duration Concentration
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Mana Cost Free
Effect Draws all the heat from the target liquid, freezing it naturally. This spell initially will affect approximately 1 gallon/4 liters of liquid. This volume may expand to include up to 1 cubic yard of additional liquid during the following round, so long as the Mage maintains concentration. If there is still remaining volume (for example, in a river or lake), the Mage may continue to maintain concentration and spend one Mana for each additional cubic yard to freeze, at the rate of one cubic yard per round. If cast on the surface of a body of water, the Mage may specify the depth to freeze to.

While the Mage maintains concentration, the liquid will remain frozen despite effects of lower rank spells or abilities which would otherwise thaw the frozen liquid. Once concentration is disrupted, the liquid will begin to melt naturally.