Rock Slide

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Revision as of 02:30, 13 August 2019 by Kcollins (talk | contribs)
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Required Earth Sphere 2
Range Touch
Area Self
Duration 1 hour
Casting Verbal, Somatic
Cast Action Standard
Mana Cost 1
Effect While the spell is in effect the caster may raise a slide of earth or stone as a Fast Action allowing them to ignore movement penalties due to terrain. Caster gains Rank in bonus speed which may be spent on vertical movement only. If the caster gains enough vertical distance to avoid attacks (1 yard+) they may also ignore movement penalties from threatened squares. The slide surges forward during their turn, collapsing behind them, with the front of the slide collapsing to the ground at the end of their movement (which could result in falling damage if they do not choose to spend movement returning to “ground” level). Caster may only traverse areas with earth/stone underneath them, and the slide may not move or damage secondary targets, however it does do substantial damage to the ground it consumes.

Casting Rock Slide requires a casting roll with increased difficulty allowing slides to be created on a variety of surfaces:

Loose Sand, Mud
Soft Dirt, Earth
Solid Shale, Sandstone, Limestone
Hard Granite, Marble