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A fish native to the waters off the western edge of Vicisi, Sharquda have long and powerful bodies that are thickest just before the dorsal fin. They also sport a set of large, powerful jaws filled with needle-like teeth and a shark-like tail that propels them at great speeds in open water. Sharquda are commonly found at the edges of reefs searching for food, but tend to stick to the open ocean most of the time. They tend to eat prey smaller than themselves, including other Sharquda. It is not known how large they can grow, but some sailors have claimed to see sharqudas that match or exceed the size of some small whales, but these are widely regarded to be tall fish tales.
Image Stats Special Qualities
Health: 4
Vigor: 0
Physical Defense: 2 (2 dodge)
Magical Defense: 0
Resistance: 5 (-4 vs. Magic)
Attack: 8d10 Bite, +1 AP (On hit, applies 2d10 Bleed)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 14
  • Medium Size
  • Aquatic Creature*
  • Natural Weapons**
  • Bloodscent***

*Moves at full speed and breathes underwater, cannot breathe air.

**Bites with sharp teeth cause a 2d10 bleed

***Sharquda can locate Bleeding creatures within 500 yards without fail.